In this article we look at another classical problem, the car racing one.

The notebook can be run on an Ubuntu computer with the following conda environment:

conda create --name car-racing python==3.7 --no-default-packages -y
conda activate car-racing
sudo apt-get install xvfb
sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev
pip install gym[box2d] torch jupyterlab pyvirtualdisplay matplotlib tensorboard
import gym
from itertools import count
import logging
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from matplotlib import animation
import platform
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
from torch.distributions import Beta
from import BatchSampler, SubsetRandomSampler
import time
from collections import deque
# we need this to run on a headless server
if platform.system() != 'Windows':
    from pyvirtualdisplay import Display
    display = Display(visible=0, size=(600, 400)).start() 
    format='[%(asctime)s] %(message)s',
logger = logging.getLogger('pytorch')'Start')
class AnimationWrapper(gym.Wrapper):

    def __init__(self, env):
        self.env = env
    def reset(self):
        state, info = self.env.reset()
        self.frames = [self.env.render()]
        self.rewards = [0]
        return state, info
    def step(self, action):
        next_state, reward, done, truncated, info = self.env.step(action)
        return next_state, reward, done, truncated, info

    def generate(self, filename):
        assert len(self.frames) == len(self.rewards)
        video = np.array(self.frames)
        total_rewards = [0] + np.cumsum(self.rewards).tolist()

        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 4))
        im = ax.imshow(video[0,:,:,:])
        text = ax.text(30, 60, '', color='red')
        plt.close() # this is required to not display the generated image

        def init():

        def animate(i):
            text.set_text(f'Step {i}, total reward: {total_rewards[i]:.2f}')
            return im

        anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, frames=video.shape[0],
                                    interval=100), writer='pillow', dpi=80, fps=24)
env = AnimationWrapper(gym.make("CarRacing-v2", render_mode='rgb_array'))
state = env.reset()

Let’s test the environment with a random policy, limiting the duration to 100 steps.

state, _ = env.reset()
frames = [env.render()]
rewards = [0.0]
for t in count():
    action = env.action_space.sample() 
    state, reward, done, truncated, info = env.step(action)
    # limit to the first 100 steps at most
    if done or truncated or t > 100:

class Net(nn.Module):
    Convolutional Neural Network for PPO

    def __init__(self, img_stack):
        super(Net, self).__init__()
        self.cnn_base = nn.Sequential(  # input shape (4, 96, 96)
            nn.Conv2d(img_stack, 8, kernel_size=4, stride=2),
            nn.ReLU(),  # activation
            nn.Conv2d(8, 16, kernel_size=3, stride=2),  # (8, 47, 47)
            nn.ReLU(),  # activation
            nn.Conv2d(16, 32, kernel_size=3, stride=2),  # (16, 23, 23)
            nn.ReLU(),  # activation
            nn.Conv2d(32, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=2),  # (32, 11, 11)
            nn.ReLU(),  # activation
            nn.Conv2d(64, 128, kernel_size=3, stride=1),  # (64, 5, 5)
            nn.ReLU(),  # activation
            nn.Conv2d(128, 256, kernel_size=3, stride=1),  # (128, 3, 3)
            nn.ReLU(),  # activation
        )  # output shape (256, 1, 1)
        self.v = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(256, 100), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(100, 1))
        self.fc = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(256, 100), nn.ReLU())
        self.alpha_head = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(100, 3), nn.Softplus())
        self.beta_head = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(100, 3), nn.Softplus())

    def _weights_init(m):
        if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d):
            nn.init.xavier_uniform_(m.weight, gain=nn.init.calculate_gain('relu'))
            nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0.1)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.cnn_base(x)
        x = x.view(-1, 256)
        v = self.v(x)
        x = self.fc(x)
        alpha = self.alpha_head(x) + 1
        beta = self.beta_head(x) + 1

        return (alpha, beta), v
GAMMA = 0.99
MAX_SIZE = 2000 ## CUDA out of mem for max_size=10000
BATCH = 128 
EPS = 0.1
LEARNING_RATE = 0.001 # bettr than 0.005 or 0.002 
transition = np.dtype([('s', np.float64, (IMG_STACK, 96, 96)), 
                       ('a', np.float64, (3,)), ('a_logp', np.float64),
                       ('r', np.float64), ('s_', np.float64, (IMG_STACK, 96, 96))])
class Agent():
    def __init__(self, device):
        self.training_step = 0 = Net(IMG_STACK).double().to(device)
        self.buffer = np.empty(MAX_SIZE, dtype=transition)
        self.counter = 0
        self.device = device
        self.optimizer = optim.Adam(, lr=LEARNING_RATE)  ## lr=1e-3

    def select_action(self, state):
        state = torch.from_numpy(state).double().to(self.device).unsqueeze(0)
        with torch.no_grad():
            alpha, beta =[0]
        dist = Beta(alpha, beta)
        action = dist.sample()
        a_logp = dist.log_prob(action).sum(dim=1)

        action = action.squeeze().cpu().numpy()
        a_logp = a_logp.item()
        return action, a_logp

    def store(self, transition):
        self.buffer[self.counter] = transition
        self.counter += 1
        if self.counter == MAX_SIZE:
            self.counter = 0
            return True
            return False

    def update(self):
        self.training_step += 1

        s = torch.tensor(self.buffer['s'], dtype=torch.double).to(self.device)
        a = torch.tensor(self.buffer['a'], dtype=torch.double).to(self.device)
        r = torch.tensor(self.buffer['r'], dtype=torch.double).to(self.device).view(-1, 1)
        next_s = torch.tensor(self.buffer['s_'], dtype=torch.double).to(self.device)

        old_a_logp = torch.tensor(self.buffer['a_logp'], dtype=torch.double).to(self.device).view(-1, 1)

        with torch.no_grad():
            target_v = r + GAMMA *[1]
            adv = target_v -[1]
            # adv = (adv - adv.mean()) / (adv.std() + 1e-8)

        for _ in range(EPOCH):
            for index in BatchSampler(SubsetRandomSampler(range(MAX_SIZE)), BATCH, False):

                alpha, beta =[index])[0]
                dist = Beta(alpha, beta)
                a_logp = dist.log_prob(a[index]).sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)
                ratio = torch.exp(a_logp - old_a_logp[index])

                surr1 = ratio * adv[index]
                # clipped function
                surr2 = torch.clamp(ratio, 1.0 - EPS, 1.0 + EPS) * adv[index]
                action_loss = -torch.min(surr1, surr2).mean()
                value_loss = F.smooth_l1_loss([index])[1], target_v[index])
                loss = action_loss + 2. * value_loss

device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
print('device: ', device)
device:  cpu
def rgb2gray(rgb, norm=True):
        # rgb image -> gray [0, 1]
    gray =[..., :], [0.299, 0.587, 0.114])
    if norm:
        # normalize
        gray = gray / 128. - 1.
    return gray
frame, _, _, _, _ = env.step(np.array([2., 1., 1.]))
img_gray = rgb2gray(frame)

fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(ncols=2, nrows=1, figsize=(10, 5))
ax0.set_title('original image')
ax1.imshow(img_gray, cmap='Greys')
ax1.set_title('preprocessed image')


class ObservationWrapper():

    def __init__(self, env):
        self.env = env  

    def reset(self):
        self.counter = 0
        self.av_r = self.reward_memory()

        self.die = False
        img_rgb, _ = self.env.reset()
        img_gray = rgb2gray(img_rgb)
        self.stack = [img_gray] * IMG_STACK  # four frames for decision
        return np.array(self.stack), None

    def step(self, action):
        total_reward = 0
        for i in range(ACTION_REPEAT):
            img_rgb, reward, die, truncated, _ = self.env.step(action)
            if truncated: die = True
            # don't penalize "die state"
            if die:
                reward += 100
            # green penalty
            if np.mean(img_rgb[:, :, 1]) > 185.0:
                reward -= 0.05
            total_reward += reward
            # if no reward recently, end the episode
            done = True if self.av_r(reward) <= -0.1 else False
            if done or die:
        img_gray = rgb2gray(img_rgb)
        assert len(self.stack) == IMG_STACK
        return np.array(self.stack), total_reward, done, False, die

    def close(self):
        return self.env.close()

    def reward_memory():
        # record reward for last 100 steps
        count = 0
        length = 100
        history = np.zeros(length)

        def memory(reward):
            nonlocal count
            history[count] = reward
            count = (count + 1) % length
            return np.mean(history)

        return memory
def ppo_train(env, agent, n_episodes, save_every=100):
    scores_deque = deque(maxlen=100)
    scores_array = []
    avg_scores_array = []    

    timestep_after_last_save = 0
    time_start = time.time()

    running_score = 0
    state = env.reset()
    i_lim = 0
    for i_episode in range(n_episodes):
        timestep = 0
        total_reward = 0
        ## score = 0
        state, _ = env.reset()

        while True:
            action, a_logp = agent.select_action(state)
            next_state, reward, done, truncated, die = env.step( 
                action * np.array([2., 1., 1.]) + np.array([-1., 0., 0.]))
            if truncated: done = True

            if, action, a_logp, reward, next_state)):
            total_reward += reward
            state = next_state
            timestep += 1  
            timestep_after_last_save += 1
            if done or die:
        running_score = running_score * 0.99 + total_reward * 0.01


        avg_score = np.mean(scores_deque)
        s = (int)(time.time() - time_start)
        msg = 'Episode: {} {}  score: {:.2f}  avg score: {:.2f}  run score {:.2f}, \
time: {:02}:{:02}:{:02} '\
            .format(i_episode, timestep, \
                    total_reward, avg_score, running_score, s//3600, s%3600//60, s%60)
    return scores_array, avg_scores_array    
agent = Agent(device)
env = ObservationWrapper(gym.make('CarRacing-v2'))


seed = 0 

scores, avg_scores  = ppo_train(env, agent, NUM_EPISODES), '')
Episode: 0 111  score: -22.46  avg score: -22.46  run score -0.22, time: 00:00:07 
Episode: 1 108  score: -17.98  avg score: -20.22  run score -0.40, time: 00:00:15 
Episode: 2 123  score: -23.11  avg score: -21.18  run score -0.63, time: 00:00:23 
Episode: 3 116  score: -17.93  avg score: -20.37  run score -0.80, time: 00:00:31 
Episode: 4 111  score: -17.99  avg score: -19.90  run score -0.97, time: 00:00:39 
Episode: 5 111  score: -18.03  avg score: -19.58  run score -1.14, time: 00:00:46 
Episode: 6 110  score: -17.91  avg score: -19.35  run score -1.31, time: 00:00:54 
Episode: 7 104  score: -18.03  avg score: -19.18  run score -1.48, time: 00:01:01 
Episode: 8 91  score: 11.97  avg score: -15.72  run score -1.35, time: 00:01:07 
Episode: 9 108  score: -17.84  avg score: -15.93  run score -1.51, time: 00:01:14 
Episode: 10 125  score: 89.07  avg score: -6.39  run score -0.60, time: 00:01:23 
Episode: 11 125  score: 105.69  avg score: 2.95  run score 0.46, time: 00:01:31 
Episode: 12 117  score: -18.03  avg score: 1.34  run score 0.27, time: 00:01:39 
Episode: 13 111  score: -18.03  avg score: -0.04  run score 0.09, time: 00:01:47 
Episode: 14 125  score: 75.60  avg score: 5.00  run score 0.85, time: 00:01:56 
Episode: 15 107  score: -18.23  avg score: 3.55  run score 0.66, time: 00:02:03 
Episode: 16 117  score: -27.43  avg score: 1.72  run score 0.37, time: 00:02:11 
Episode: 923 125  score: 263.80  avg score: 153.50  run score 128.78, time: 01:52:41 
Episode: 924 125  score: 345.59  avg score: 156.46  run score 130.94, time: 01:52:49 
Episode: 925 125  score: 297.47  avg score: 159.23  run score 132.61, time: 01:52:58 
Episode: 926 125  score: 184.00  avg score: 160.51  run score 133.12, time: 01:53:07 
Episode: 927 125  score: 264.03  avg score: 162.79  run score 134.43, time: 01:53:16 
Episode: 928 125  score: 260.62  avg score: 165.58  run score 135.70, time: 01:53:25 
Episode: 929 83  score: 56.03  avg score: 165.84  run score 134.90, time: 01:53:31 
Episode: 930 125  score: 248.34  avg score: 167.98  run score 136.03, time: 01:53:40 
Episode: 931 125  score: 250.83  avg score: 170.12  run score 137.18, time: 01:53:49 
Episode: 932 125  score: 271.88  avg score: 172.62  run score 138.53, time: 01:53:58 
Episode: 933 45  score: 41.19  avg score: 170.21  run score 137.55, time: 01:54:01 
Episode: 934 96  score: 56.05  avg score: 170.45  run score 136.74, time: 01:54:08 
Episode: 935 125  score: 197.37  avg score: 172.02  run score 137.35, time: 01:54:53 
Episode: 936 125  score: 350.55  avg score: 172.39  run score 139.48, time: 01:55:02 
Episode: 937 125  score: 339.16  avg score: 175.22  run score 141.47, time: 01:55:11 
Episode: 938 35  score: 27.49  avg score: 173.28  run score 140.33, time: 01:55:13 
Episode: 939 125  score: 238.41  avg score: 173.10  run score 141.32, time: 01:55:22 
Episode: 940 44  score: 44.47  avg score: 170.82  run score 140.35, time: 01:55:26 
Episode: 941 125  score: 240.51  avg score: 173.40  run score 141.35, time: 01:55:35 
Episode: 942 125  score: 284.81  avg score: 175.69  run score 142.78, time: 01:55:44 
Episode: 943 125  score: 289.56  avg score: 175.98  run score 144.25, time: 01:55:53 
Episode: 944 49  score: 55.24  avg score: 176.26  run score 143.36, time: 01:55:56 
Episode: 945 125  score: 317.41  avg score: 179.23  run score 145.10, time: 01:56:05 
Episode: 946 125  score: 343.97  avg score: 182.37  run score 147.09, time: 01:56:14 
Episode: 947 125  score: 190.87  avg score: 181.80  run score 147.53, time: 01:56:22 
Episode: 948 69  score: 86.10  avg score: 179.97  run score 146.91, time: 01:56:27 
Episode: 949 78  score: 54.30  avg score: 180.13  run score 145.99, time: 01:56:33 
Episode: 950 62  score: 43.72  avg score: 178.32  run score 144.96, time: 01:56:37 
Episode: 951 125  score: 337.16  avg score: 181.38  run score 146.89, time: 01:56:46 
Episode: 952 125  score: 318.61  avg score: 182.77  run score 148.60, time: 01:56:55 
Episode: 953 90  score: 55.33  avg score: 180.85  run score 147.67, time: 01:57:02 
Episode: 954 31  score: 23.13  avg score: 178.32  run score 146.43, time: 01:57:04 
Episode: 955 125  score: 352.06  avg score: 181.39  run score 148.48, time: 01:57:50 
Episode: 956 125  score: 328.86  avg score: 184.39  run score 150.29, time: 01:57:59 
Episode: 957 125  score: 334.47  avg score: 185.10  run score 152.13, time: 01:58:08 
Episode: 958 76  score: 56.04  avg score: 182.75  run score 151.17, time: 01:58:14 
Episode: 959 125  score: 156.15  avg score: 183.95  run score 151.22, time: 01:58:23 
Episode: 960 125  score: 385.50  avg score: 185.25  run score 153.56, time: 01:58:31 
Episode: 961 106  score: 56.09  avg score: 185.25  run score 152.58, time: 01:58:39 
Episode: 962 125  score: 412.21  avg score: 186.77  run score 155.18, time: 01:58:48 
Episode: 963 125  score: 219.02  avg score: 187.35  run score 155.82, time: 01:58:57 
Episode: 964 125  score: 393.94  avg score: 190.91  run score 158.20, time: 01:59:06 
Episode: 965 125  score: 404.41  avg score: 193.19  run score 160.66, time: 01:59:15 
Episode: 966 103  score: 56.01  avg score: 191.74  run score 159.62, time: 01:59:22 
Episode: 967 125  score: 346.02  avg score: 194.78  run score 161.48, time: 01:59:31 
Episode: 968 125  score: 307.69  avg score: 195.07  run score 162.94, time: 01:59:40 
Episode: 969 125  score: 306.34  avg score: 195.94  run score 164.38, time: 01:59:49 
Episode: 970 125  score: 371.32  avg score: 199.29  run score 166.45, time: 01:59:57 
Episode: 971 125  score: 322.15  avg score: 199.61  run score 168.00, time: 02:00:06 
Episode: 972 125  score: 312.88  avg score: 202.42  run score 169.45, time: 02:00:53 
Episode: 973 125  score: 369.72  avg score: 204.37  run score 171.45, time: 02:01:02 
Episode: 974 125  score: 250.00  avg score: 206.69  run score 172.24, time: 02:01:11 
Episode: 975 125  score: 400.00  avg score: 210.34  run score 174.52, time: 02:01:20 
Episode: 976 125  score: 337.98  avg score: 213.33  run score 176.15, time: 02:01:29 
Episode: 977 125  score: 358.87  avg score: 216.79  run score 177.98, time: 02:01:38 
Episode: 978 125  score: 367.59  avg score: 218.81  run score 179.88, time: 02:01:46 
Episode: 979 119  score: 56.08  avg score: 217.05  run score 178.64, time: 02:01:55 
Episode: 980 125  score: 348.62  avg score: 220.31  run score 180.34, time: 02:02:04 
Episode: 981 125  score: 262.57  avg score: 220.39  run score 181.16, time: 02:02:14 
Episode: 982 125  score: 292.93  avg score: 220.61  run score 182.28, time: 02:02:23 
Episode: 983 125  score: 344.37  avg score: 223.70  run score 183.90, time: 02:02:31 
Episode: 984 125  score: 262.82  avg score: 223.48  run score 184.69, time: 02:02:40 
Episode: 985 103  score: 81.99  avg score: 223.74  run score 183.66, time: 02:02:48 
Episode: 986 125  score: 268.04  avg score: 223.82  run score 184.50, time: 02:02:57 
Episode: 987 125  score: 336.73  avg score: 227.00  run score 186.03, time: 02:03:06 
Episode: 988 125  score: 354.52  avg score: 228.16  run score 187.71, time: 02:03:52 
Episode: 989 116  score: 56.07  avg score: 226.28  run score 186.40, time: 02:04:01 
Episode: 990 125  score: 312.10  avg score: 226.50  run score 187.65, time: 02:04:10 
Episode: 991 125  score: 168.46  avg score: 225.04  run score 187.46, time: 02:04:18 
Episode: 992 125  score: 310.34  avg score: 225.66  run score 188.69, time: 02:04:27 
Episode: 993 125  score: 363.32  avg score: 228.74  run score 190.44, time: 02:04:36 
Episode: 994 93  score: 56.06  avg score: 228.92  run score 189.09, time: 02:04:43 
Episode: 995 125  score: 309.90  avg score: 229.26  run score 190.30, time: 02:04:52 
Episode: 996 125  score: 361.62  avg score: 230.38  run score 192.01, time: 02:05:01 
Episode: 997 125  score: 335.64  avg score: 233.40  run score 193.45, time: 02:05:10 
Episode: 998 125  score: 168.92  avg score: 232.13  run score 193.20, time: 02:05:18 
Episode: 999 125  score: 341.30  avg score: 235.15  run score 194.68, time: 02:05:27 
Episode: 1000 125  score: 164.84  avg score: 234.69  run score 194.39, time: 02:05:36 
Episode: 1001 125  score: 286.98  avg score: 237.00  run score 195.31, time: 02:05:46 
Episode: 1002 125  score: 349.82  avg score: 239.94  run score 196.86, time: 02:05:55 
Episode: 1003 125  score: 359.74  avg score: 242.98  run score 198.49, time: 02:06:04 
Episode: 1004 125  score: 326.39  avg score: 243.87  run score 199.77, time: 02:06:50 
Episode: 1005 125  score: 326.32  avg score: 246.87  run score 201.03, time: 02:06:59 
Episode: 1006 125  score: 332.18  avg score: 247.61  run score 202.34, time: 02:07:08 
Episode: 1007 125  score: 315.99  avg score: 247.65  run score 203.48, time: 02:07:16 
Episode: 1008 125  score: 373.24  avg score: 247.80  run score 205.18, time: 02:07:25 
Episode: 1009 125  score: 337.42  avg score: 248.16  run score 206.50, time: 02:07:34 
Episode: 1010 125  score: 175.82  avg score: 247.48  run score 206.19, time: 02:07:43 
Episode: 1011 125  score: 281.90  avg score: 247.93  run score 206.95, time: 02:07:52 
Episode: 1012 125  score: 335.79  avg score: 248.64  run score 208.24, time: 02:08:01 
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7feb09081c40>]


# agent = Agent(device)
env = ObservationWrapper(AnimationWrapper(gym.make('CarRacing-v2', render_mode='rgb_array')))
state, _ = env.reset()
for t in count():
    action, a_logp = agent.select_action(state)
    next_state, reward, done, truncated, die = env.step( \
               action * np.array([2., 1., 1.]) + np.array([-1., 0., 0.]))
    if done or truncated or t > 1_000:
    state = next_state
print(f"# steps: {t}")
# steps: 1001