from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from matplotlib import cm
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
from torch import nn
from scipy.stats import norm
import seaborn as sns
dtype = torch.float32
normal_dist = torch.distributions.Normal(0.0, 1.0)

Model classes.

class Model(ABC):
    def __init__(self):
    def compute_discount_factor(self, t, T):
    def generate_paths(self, required_schedule, num_paths, dt):
    def generate_schedule(times, dt):
        assert len(times) > 0
        times = sorted(times)
        t_0 = 0.0
        schedule = [t_0]
        for t in times:
            if abs(t - t_0) < 1e-10:
                t_0 = t
            n = int(np.ceil((t - t_0) / dt)) + 1
            schedule += np.linspace(t_0, t, n).tolist()[1:]
            t_0 = t
        return torch.tensor(list(map(lambda x: round(x, 9), schedule)))
class BlackScholesModel(Model):
    def __init__(self, S_0: float, r: float, q: float, σ: float):
        self.S_0 = torch.tensor(S_0)
        self.r = torch.tensor(r)
        self.q = torch.tensor(q)
        self.σ = torch.tensor(σ)
    def compute_discount_factor(self, t, T):
        return np.exp(-self.r * (T - t))
    def generate_paths(self, required_schedule, num_paths, dt):
        schedule = self.generate_schedule(required_schedule, dt)
        self.N = len(schedule)
        S_0, r, q, σ = self.S_0, self.r, self.q, self.σ
        retval = [torch.full((num_paths,), S_0)]
        X = retval[0].log()
        W = torch.randn(self.N, num_paths)
        t = 0.0
        for i in range(0, self.N - 1):
            dt = schedule[i + 1] - schedule[i]
            t += dt
            sqrt_dt = dt.sqrt()
            X = X + (r - q - 0.5 * σ**2) * dt + σ * sqrt_dt * W[i, :]
        return schedule, torch.vstack(retval)

Market classes to buy and sell stock.

class Market(ABC):
    def cash_flow_shares(self, t, S_t, shares):
        """Buy if positive and sell if negative; result is a negative cash flow for
        the former case and a negative cash flow for the latter."""

    def buy_shares(self, t, S_t, shares):
        "Amount of money requires for buying the specified amount of shares."
    def sell_shares(self, t, S_t, shares):
class NoTransactionCostMarket(Market):

    def cash_flow_shares(self, t, S_t, shares):
        return -S_t * shares
    def buy_shares(self, t, S_t, shares):
        assert sum(torch.where(shares < 0.0, torch.tensor(1.0), torch.tensor(0.0))) == 0.0
        return S_t * shares
    def sell_shares(self, t, S_t, shares):
        assert sum(torch.where(shares < 0.0, torch.tensor(1.0), torch.tensor(0.0))) == 0.0
        return S_t * shares    
class RelativeTransactionCostMarket(Market):
    def __init__(self, fraction):
        self.fraction = fraction
    def cash_flow_shares(self, t, S_t, shares):
        multiplier = torch.where(shares > 0, 1 + self.fraction, 1 - self.fraction)
        return -multiplier * S_t * shares
    def buy_shares(self, t, S_t, shares):
        assert sum(torch.where(shares < 0.0, torch.tensor(1.0), torch.tensor(0.0))) == 0.0
        return (1 + self.fraction) * S_t * shares
    def sell_shares(self, t, S_t, shares):
        assert sum(torch.where(shares < 0.0, torch.tensor(1.0), torch.tensor(0.0))) == 0.0
        return (1 - self.fraction) * S_t * shares

Contract classes.

class Contract(ABC):
    def __init__(self):
    def description(self):
    def initialize(self, t, S_t):
    def advance(self, t, S_t):
    def execute(self, t, S_t, cash, shares, market: Market):
    def finalize(self):
    def black_scholes_price(self, t, S_t, model: BlackScholesModel):
    def black_scholes_delta(self, t, S_t, model: BlackScholesModel):
    def required_schedule(self):
    def monte_carlo_payoffs(self, model: Model, schedule, paths):
    def num_features():
    def features(self, model: Model, t, S_t):
class VanillaOption(Contract):
    def __init__(self, position, notional: float, K: float, T: float, is_call: float):
        assert position in ['L', 'S']
        self.position = position
        self.long_short = torch.tensor(1.0) if position == 'L' else torch.tensor(-1.0)
        self.notional = torch.tensor(notional)
        self.K = torch.tensor(K)
        self.T = torch.tensor(T)
        self.is_call = is_call
    def description(self):
        long_short = 'long' if self.position == 'L' else 'short'
        call_put = 'call' if self.is_call else 'put'
        return f'Vanilla {call_put}, {long_short}, K={self.K.item():.4f}, T={self.T.item():.4f}'
    def initialize(self, t, S_t):
        return torch.zeros_like(S_t), torch.zeros_like(S_t)
    def advance(self, t, S_t):
    def execute(self, t, S_t, cash, shares, market: Market):
        if t != self.T:
            # nothing to do before expiry
            return cash, shares
        if self.position == 'L':
            return self._execute_long(t, S_t, cash, shares, market)
            return self._execute_short(t, S_t, cash, shares, market)
    def finalize(self):
    def black_scholes_price(self, t, S_t, model: BlackScholesModel):
        notional, T, K = self.notional, self.T, self.K
        assert t <= T
        r, q, σ = model.r, model.q, model.σ
        τ = T - t
        F_t = S_t * torch.exp((r - q) * τ)
        df = torch.exp(-r * τ)
        ω = 1.0 if self.is_call else -1.0
        if τ == 0:
            return notional * torch.maximum(ω * (S_t - K), torch.tensor(0.0))
        d_plus = (torch.log(F_t / K) + 0.5 * σ**2 * τ) / σ / torch.sqrt(τ)
        d_minus = d_plus - σ * torch.sqrt(τ)
        return self.long_short * notional * ω * df * (F_t * normal_dist.cdf(ω * d_plus) - K * normal_dist.cdf(ω * d_minus))
    def black_scholes_delta(self, t, S_t, model: BlackScholesModel):
        notional, T, K = self.notional, self.T, self.K
        assert t <= T
        r, q, σ = model.r, model.q, model.σ
        τ = T - t
        F_t = S_t * torch.exp((r - q) * τ)
        ω = 1.0 if self.is_call else -1.0
        if τ == 0:
            if self.is_call:
                return self.long_short * torch.where(S_t > K, notional, torch.tensor(0.0))
                return self.long_short * torch.where(S_t < K, -notional, torch.tensor(0.0))
        d_plus = (torch.log(F_t / K) + 0.5 * σ**2 * τ) / σ / torch.sqrt(τ)
        return self.long_short * notional * ω * torch.exp(-q * τ) * normal_dist.cdf(ω * d_plus)
    def required_schedule(self):
        return [self.T]
    def monte_carlo_payoffs(self, model, schedule, paths):
        S_T = paths[-1]
        ω = 1.0 if self.is_call else -1.0
        scaling = model.compute_discount_factor(0.0, self.T)
        return scaling * self.long_short * self.notional * torch.maximum(ω * (S_T - self.K), torch.tensor(0.0))

    def _execute_long(self, t, S_t, cash, shares, market):
        if self.is_call:
            # the client sell shares if in the money
            itm = S_t > self.K
            delta_shares = torch.where(itm, self.notional, torch.tensor(0.0))
            delta_cash = torch.where(itm, -self.notional, torch.tensor(0.0))
            # the client buys shares if in the money
            itm = S_t < self.K
            # make sure we have the required number of shares
            delta_shares = torch.clamp(self.notional - shares, torch.tensor(0.0), self.notional)
            delta_shares = torch.where(itm, delta_shares, torch.tensor(0.0))
            delta_cash = -market.buy_shares(t, S_t, delta_shares)
            # execute transaction
            delta_shares -= torch.where(itm, self.notional, torch.tensor(0.0))
            delta_cash += torch.where(itm, self.K * self.notional, torch.tensor(0.0))
        return cash + delta_cash, shares + delta_shares
    def _execute_short(self, t, S_t, cash, shares, market):
        if self.is_call:
            # the client buys shares if in the money
            itm = S_t > self.K
            # make sure we have the required number of shares
            delta_shares = torch.clamp(self.notional - shares, torch.tensor(0.0), self.notional)
            delta_shares = torch.where(itm, delta_shares, torch.tensor(0.0))
            delta_cash = -market.buy_shares(t, S_t, delta_shares)
            # execute transaction
            delta_shares += torch.where(itm, -self.notional, torch.tensor(0.0))
            delta_cash += torch.where(itm, self.K * self.notional, torch.tensor(0.0))
            # the client seels the shares if in the money
            itm = S_t < self.K
            delta_shares = torch.where(itm, self.notional, torch.tensor(0.0))
            delta_cash = torch.where(itm, -self.notional * self.K, torch.tensor(0.0))
        return cash + delta_cash, shares + delta_shares
    def num_features(self):
        return 2
    def features(self, model: Model, t, S_t):
        return [torch.full(S_t.shape, t).unsqueeze(-1),
                (S_t / model.S_0).log().unsqueeze(-1)]
class BlackScholesAnalyticPricer:
    def __init__(self, model: BlackScholesModel):
        self.model = model
    def price(self, contract, t, S_t):
        return contract.black_scholes_price(t, S_t, self.model)
    def delta(self, contract, t, S_t):
        return contract.black_scholes_delta(t, S_t, self.model)
class BlackScholesMonteCarloPricer:
    def __init__(self, model: BlackScholesModel):
        self.model = model
    def price(self, contract, schedule, paths):
        payoffs = contract.monte_carlo_payoffs(self.model, schedule, paths)
        return payoffs.mean(), payoffs.std() / torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(float(len(payoffs))))
market = NoTransactionCostMarket()
model = BlackScholesModel(100.0, 0.05, 0.02, 0.25)
analytic_pricer = BlackScholesAnalyticPricer(model)
mc_pricer = BlackScholesMonteCarloPricer(model)

We verify that analytic and Monte Carlo prices agree.

short_vanilla_call = VanillaOption('S', 1.0, 95.0, 0.5, True)
long_vanilla_call = VanillaOption('L', 1.0, 95.0, 0.5, True)
for contract in [short_vanilla_call, long_vanilla_call]:
    print(contract.description() + ':')
    contract.initialize(0.0, model.S_0)
    analytic_price = analytic_pricer.price(contract, 0.0, model.S_0)
    print(f"Analytic price: {analytic_price:.4f}", end='')
    schedule, paths = model.generate_paths(contract.required_schedule(), 10_000, 1.0 / 52)
    mc_price, mc_std = mc_pricer.price(contract, schedule, paths)
    CI = (mc_price - 1.96 * mc_std, mc_price + 1.96 * mc_std)
    print(f', Monte Carlo price: [{CI[0]:.4f}, {CI[1]:.4f}]', end='')
    if analytic_price < CI[0] or analytic_price > CI[1]:
        print(' -> *ERROR*')
        print(' -> OK')
Vanilla call, short, K=95.0000, T=0.5000:
Analytic price: -10.3924, Monte Carlo price: [-10.6495, -10.1216] -> OK

Vanilla call, long, K=95.0000, T=0.5000:
Analytic price: 10.3924, Monte Carlo price: [10.1216, 10.6495] -> OK
fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(12, 4))
for i in range(20):
    ax0.plot(schedule, paths[:, i])
ax0.set_title('Sample Paths')

sns.histplot(paths[-1], ax=ax1, element='poly', stat='density', alpha=0.5)
ax1.axvline(x=paths[-1].mean(), linestyle='dashed')
ax1.axvline(model.S_0 * torch.exp((model.r - model.q) * contract.T), linestyle='dashed')
ax1.set_ylabel('Density of S(T)')



class Hedger(ABC):
    def description(self):
    def calibrate(self, **kwargs):
    def hedge(self, t, S_t, shares):
class BlackScholesHedger(Hedger):
    def __init__(self, model: BlackScholesModel, contract: Contract):
        self.contract = contract
        self.pricer = BlackScholesAnalyticPricer(model)
    def description(self):
        return 'Black-Scholes hedger'
    def calibrate(self, **kwargs):
    def hedge(self, t, S_t, shares):
        return, t, S_t)
class HedgeNet(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, num_features):
        self.layers = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(num_features, 64),
            nn.Linear(64, 32),
            nn.Linear(32, 16),
            nn.Linear(16, 1)
    def forward(self, x):
        return self.layers(x)
class DeepHedger(Hedger):
    def __init__(self, model, contract: Contract, market, scaling_price):
        self.model = model
        self.contract = contract = market
        self.scaling_price = scaling_price
    def description(self):
        return 'Deep Hedger'

    def calibrate(self, **kwargs):
        batch_size = kwargs['batch_size']
        lr = kwargs['lr']
        num_iters = kwargs['num_iters']
        num_paths = kwargs['num_paths']
        max_dt = kwargs['max_dt']
        print_every = kwargs['print_every']
        net = HedgeNet(contract.num_features())
        optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=lr)
        for i in range(num_iters):
            total_loss = 0.0
            schedule, paths = self.model.generate_paths(contract.required_schedule(), num_paths, max_dt)
            diff_schedule = torch.from_numpy(np.diff(schedule))
            batches = torch.split(paths, batch_size, dim=1)
            for batch in batches:
                cash, shares = contract.initialize(schedule[0], batch[0])
                for t, dt, S_t in zip(schedule[:-1], diff_schedule, batch[:-1]):
                    contract.advance(t, S_t)
                    x = torch.hstack(contract.features(self.model, t, S_t))
                    delta = net(x).squeeze(1)
                    cash += market.cash_flow_shares(t, S_t, delta - shares)
                    shares = delta
                    # interest on cash
                    cash *= torch.exp(self.model.r * dt)
                    # cash coming from the dividends
                    cash += shares * S_t * (torch.exp(self.model.q * dt) - 1)
                    assert cash.shape == batch[0].shape
                    assert shares.shape == batch[0].shape
                T, S_T = schedule[-1], batch[-1]
                cash, shares = contract.execute(T, S_T, cash, shares, market)
                # liquidate all remaining positions
                cash += market.cash_flow_shares(T, S_T, -shares)
                # discount to model date
                cash *= torch.exp(-self.model.r * T)
                # minimize square error
                loss = cash.var() / (self.scaling_price**2)
                total_loss += loss.item()
            total_loss /= len(batches)
            if (i + 1) % print_every == 0:
                print(f"Iter {i + 1:4}: loss = {total_loss:.4e}")
        = net
    def hedge(self, t, S_t, shares):
        x = torch.hstack(contract.features(self.model, t, S_t))
        y =
        return y
contract = VanillaOption('S', 1.0, 105.0, 0.25, True)
bs_model = BlackScholesModel(S_0=100.0, r=0.05, q=0.02, σ=0.25)
analytic_pricer = BlackScholesAnalyticPricer(bs_model)
bs_price = analytic_pricer.price(contract, 0.0, bs_model.S_0)
print(f"Black-Scholes price: {bs_price.item():.4f}")
Black-Scholes price: -3.2393
bs_hedger = BlackScholesHedger(bs_model, contract)
deep_hedger = DeepHedger(bs_model, contract, NoTransactionCostMarket(), bs_price)
deep_hedger.calibrate(batch_size=32, lr=0.5e-3, num_iters=100, num_paths=1_000, max_dt=1 / 256,
                      scaling_price=bs_price, print_every=10)
Iter   10: loss = 1.4471e-01
Iter   20: loss = 8.1138e-02
Iter   30: loss = 6.7405e-02
Iter   40: loss = 5.0502e-02
Iter   50: loss = 5.0674e-02
Iter   60: loss = 4.0541e-02
Iter   70: loss = 3.5466e-02
Iter   80: loss = 3.6956e-02
Iter   90: loss = 3.9783e-02
Iter  100: loss = 3.3974e-02
class Agent(ABC):
    def execute(self, contract: Contract, market: Market, hedger: Hedger):
class BlackScholesAgent(Agent):
    def __init__(self, model: BlackScholesModel, frequency: float, num_paths: int):
        self.model = model
        self.frequency = frequency
        self.num_paths = num_paths
    def execute(self, contract: Contract, market: Market, hedger: Hedger, seed):
        schedule, paths = self.model.generate_paths(contract.required_schedule(), self.num_paths, self.frequency)
        diff_schedule = torch.from_numpy(np.diff(schedule))
        cash, shares = contract.initialize(schedule[0], paths[0])
        for t, dt, S_t in zip(schedule[:-1], diff_schedule, paths[:-1]):
            contract.advance(t, S_t)
            new_shares = hedger.hedge(t, S_t, shares)
            cash += market.cash_flow_shares(t, S_t, new_shares - shares)
            shares = new_shares
            # interest on cash
            cash *= torch.exp(self.model.r * dt)
            # cash coming from the dividends
            cash += shares * S_t * (torch.exp(self.model.q * dt) - 1)
            assert cash.shape == paths[0].shape
            assert shares.shape == paths[0].shape
        T, S_T = schedule[-1], paths[-1]
        cash, shares = contract.execute(T, S_T, cash, shares, market)
        # liquidate all remaining positions
        cash += market.cash_flow_shares(T, S_T, -shares)
        # discount to model date
        cash *= torch.exp(-self.model.r * T)
        hedger_price = cash.mean()
        hedger_std = cash.std() / np.sqrt(self.num_paths)
        # for debugging
        self.schedule = schedule
        self.paths = paths
        return hedger_price, hedger_std, cash
agent = BlackScholesAgent(model, frequency=1 / 256, num_paths=1_000)
market = NoTransactionCostMarket()

results = {}
for hedger in[bs_hedger, deep_hedger]:
    hedger_price, hedger_std, cash = agent.execute(contract, market, hedger, seed=42)
    print(f"Hedger price = {hedger_price:.4f}, std = {hedger_std:.4f}, Black-Scholes price: {bs_price:.4f}, "\
          f"diff = {hedger_price - bs_price:.4f}")
    print(f"Hedger std dev / price = {cash.std() / bs_price:.4f}")
    results[hedger.description()] = cash
Hedger price = -3.2524, std = 0.0169, Black-Scholes price: -3.2393, diff = -0.0131
Hedger std dev / price = -0.1647
Hedger price = -3.2620, std = 0.0197, Black-Scholes price: -3.2393, diff = -0.0226
Hedger std dev / price = -0.1927
for k, v in results.items():
    sns.kdeplot(v, label=k, shade=True)
plt.legend(loc='upper left')


bs_deltas, deep_deltas = [], []
timegrid = torch.linspace(0.0, contract.T * 0.9, 100)
spots = torch.linspace(model.S_0 * 0.9, model.S_0 * 1.1, 100)
contract.initialize(0.0, spots)
for t in timegrid:
    bs_deltas.append(bs_hedger.hedge(t, spots, 0.0).tolist())
    deep_deltas.append(deep_hedger.hedge(t, spots, 0.0).tolist())
bs_deltas = np.array(bs_deltas)
deep_deltas = np.array(deep_deltas)
import matplotlib.pylab as plt

fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection': '3d'}, ncols=3, figsize=(12, 4))
X, Y = np.meshgrid(spots, timegrid)

ax0.plot_surface(X, Y, bs_deltas, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=False)
ax0.set_title('Black-Scholes Delta')

ax1.plot_surface(X, Y, deep_deltas, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=False)
ax1.set_title('Deep Delta')

ax2.plot_surface(X, Y, deep_deltas - bs_deltas, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=False)
ax2.set_title('Deep Delta - Black-Scholes Delta')

for ax in [ax0, ax1, ax2]:
    ax.view_init(15, 45)
