Posts by Year


What’s in the News?

11 minute read

Using Large Language Models to generate a summary of most relevant subjects in the news today

Semantic Search

14 minute read

A simple implementation of semantic search on StackOverflow questions and answers.

Chatting with Documents

13 minute read

Using LangChain to develop a simple application for chatting with the French Constitution

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World Bank Data

53 minute read

Working with the high-quality data provided by the World Bank.

Word Chain

4 minute read

A coding exercise that solves word-chain puzzles.

Poker Hand

8 minute read

A coding exercise that identifies the poker hand.

Roman Numerals

3 minute read

A coding exercise to convert an Arabic number to Roman numerals.

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Reverse Diffusion

1 minute read

Testing the formula for reverse diffusion on a simple normal mixture model.

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9 minute read

Autoencoders applied to mathematical functions.

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5 minute read

Principal Component Analysis for Image Recognition.

MNIST Digits

7 minute read

The LeNet model for the classical MNIST dataset.

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The SABR Model

4 minute read

A quick overview of the Stochastic Alpha Beta Rho model

The CEV Model

2 minute read

A (very) brief exploration of the Constant Elasticity of Variance model.

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4 minute read

Producing nice pictures of the most famous fractals.

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