Temperature Forecasting using SARIMA
Forecast the average monthly temperature in Rome using seasonal ARIMA methods.
Forecast the average monthly temperature in Rome using seasonal ARIMA methods.
An introduction to the concepct of fractional integration and differentiation and their applications to data analysis
On the application of the Kahrunen-Loève decomposition to data analysis
Use large language modeles to have a discussion with people from the past.
Building an enhanced search engine by leveraging the power of large language models
Using Large Language Models to classify news into categories based on their headline and a short summary
Write a short essay on a masterpiece of modern literature, Frank Kafka’s book ‘The Process’
Using Large Language Models to generate a summary of most relevant subjects in the news today
Using Large Language Models to perform sentiment analysis of the news
A simple implementation of semantic search on StackOverflow questions and answers.
Using LangChain to develop a simple application for chatting with the French Constitution
Looking for similar articles using BERT-based models
Looking for similar articles using OpenAI’s text embedding models
Some experiments on the image styles that can be obtained.
A small Python application to generate a short story and read it aloud, with generated images on the background.
Some experiments on the incredible capabilities of ChatGPT.
Solving bipedal walker environment using a derivative-free optimization method.
Solving the Half Cheetah environment with the Advantage-Actor-Critic method.
Proximal Policy Optimization on the Car Racing environment.
An application of denoising autoencoders to the dirty document dataset.
Generating Implied Volatility Surfaces using Variational Autoencoders.
Working with the high-quality data provided by the World Bank.
A coding exercise that solves eight queens puzzles.
A coding exercise to decompose a factorial.
A coding exercise that solves Sudoku.
A coding exercise that solves word-chain puzzles.
A coding exercise that identifies the poker hand.
A coding exercise to convert an Arabic number to Roman numerals.
A derivative-free optimization method for finding the global optimum of a function.
Testing the formula for reverse diffusion on a simple normal mixture model.
Understanding how diffusion models work using a simple two-dimensional dataset
Solving the mountain car continuous environment using CMA-ES.
Exploratory data analysis and prediction for a real-life dataset.
Exploratory data analysis on the Ames houring dataset.
Building a CNN for the Galaxy Zoo competition.
Exploratory Data Analysis for the images and features of the Galaxy Zoo dataset.
Using variational autoencoders to generate fonts for the Latin alphabet.
Generative Adversarial Networks applied to the Anime Face dataset.
Using deep learning to forecast the number of sunspots in a month.
The Kaggle avocados dataset using the Prophet package.
Detecting to which alphabet a character belongs to using convolutional neural networks.
Conditional variational autoencoders applied to the classical MNIST dataset.
Understanding the modeling assumptions that are used to define variational autoencoders.
Autoencoders applied to mathematical functions.
Hedging a vanilla option with machine learning.
Two ways to define non-trivial martingales that are bounded.
Solving Burgers’ Equation with Neural Networks.
Solving A Simple One-Dimensional Laplacian with Neural Networks.
Solving Ordinary Differential Equations with Neural Networks.
An introduction to OpenAI ProcGen Benchmark environments.
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Ms Pacman.
An introduction to Gymnasium environments for several Atari 2600 games.
Solving the lunar lander environment with the classical REINFORCE method.
Solving the Acrobot environment using Fitted Q-Iterations.
Solving Super Mario SNES using DQN.
Solving the CartPole environment using deep Q learning.
Solving the Blackjack problem of Sutton and Barto with Monte Carlo control.
Solving the simple tic-tac-toe game with Q-learning
A stand-alone implementation of an environment and tabular Q-Learning to let an agent find the exit of a maze.
Principal Component Analysis for Image Recognition.
A quick overview of the local volatility model.
Transfer learning for image recognition.
Neural network for the CIFAR-100 dataset.
Neural network for the CIFAR-10 dataset.
Exploratory data analysis and prediction for a real-life dataset.
The LeNet model for the classical MNIST dataset.
Solving the Boston housing problem with linear regression, in scikit-learn and PyTorch.
Logistic regression applied to the SMS spam dataset.
How to compute option sensitivities when pricing with PDEs using adjoint methods.
A quick overview of the SSVI model for volatility surfaces.
An overview of the Heston model
A quick overview of the Stochastic Alpha Beta Rho model
The analytic solution of the Merton jump diffusion model.
A (very) brief exploration of the Constant Elasticity of Variance model.
Hedging analysis of an option under the Black-Scholes model.
Computing the price of an option using the Bachelier model.
Producing nice pictures of the most famous fractals.
A quick overview of the square-root mean-reverting stochastic differential equation
A quick overview of the square-root mean-reverting stochastic differential equation
Solving the Feynman-Kac equation using finite differences
A nice proof of Stirling’s formula to approximate the factorial of a number n.
A common approach to define grids in an interval whose nodes are concentrated around a given point.