Roman numerals are a numeral system that originated in ancient Rome and remained the usual way of writing numbers throughout Europe well into the Late Middle Ages. The basic rules are well-known: numbers are written with combinations of letters from the Latin alphabet, each letter with a fixed integer value. Although different style have evoled during the millenia, the modern style uses only these seven letters: I for 1, V for 5, X for 10, L for 50, C for 100, D for 500 and M for 1,000. There is no zero and different letters are used for each power of ten (up to 1,000) instead of the positional system of Arabic numbers.

In general, writing a number in Roman numerals is quite easy: a letter repeats its value that many times (XXX is 30 and CC is 200, for example). Letters go from the highest amount to the lower, so the X goes before the I, so with letters placed after another letter of greater value, we add that amount. For example, the number 22 is XXII, with the two X for 20 and the two I for the 2.

There are exceptions, however. A letter can only be repeated three times, so the numerals for 4 (IV) and 9 (IX) are written using subtractive notation, where the first symbol (I) is subtracted from the larger one (V, or X), thus avoiding the clumsier IIII and VIIII. Subtractive notation is also used for 40 (XL), 90 (XC), 400 (CD) and 900 (CM). These are the only subtractive forms in standard use; subtractive notation is not used for the numbers 99 or 999, for example: we do not subtract a number from one that is more than 10 times greater (that is, you can subtract 1 from 10 but not 1 from 20, there is no such number as IXX.)

Note that the subtractive notation means that if a letter is placed before another letter of greater value, we subtract that amount.

Below there is a simple function that converts a number $n \subset \mathbb{N}$ such that $n \in [1, 3 999]$ from Arabic to Roman. The function is quite simple and makes use of generators to go through the different steps.

def to_roman(n):
    def inner(n):
        if n >= 1000:
            yield 'M' * (n // 1000)
            n %= 1_000
        if n >= 900:
            yield 'CM'
            n -= 900
        if n >= 500:
            yield 'D'
            n -= 500
        if n >= 400:
            yield 'CD'
            n -= 400
        if n >= 100:
            yield 'C' * (n // 100)
            n %= 100
        if n >= 90:
            yield 'XC'
            n -= 90
        if n >= 50:
            yield 'L'
            n -= 50
        if n >= 40:
            yield 'XL'
            n -= 40
        if n >= 10:
            yield 'X' * (n // 10)
            n %= 10
        if n >= 9:
            yield 'IX'
            n -= 9
        if n >= 5:
            yield 'V'
            n -= 5
        if n == 4:
            yield 'IV'
            n -= 4
        yield 'I' * n
    if n < 1 or n > 3_999:
        raise ValueError('input n must be in the interval [1, 3999]')

    return ''.join(inner(n))

A few tests, mostly taken from the Wikipedia page dedicated to Roman numerals, plus a few corner cases.

assert to_roman(39) == 'XXXIX'
assert to_roman(246) == 'CCXLVI'
assert to_roman(789) == 'DCCLXXXIX'
assert to_roman(2421) == 'MMCDXXI'
assert to_roman(160) == 'CLX'
assert to_roman(207) == 'CCVII'
assert to_roman(1009) == 'MIX'
assert to_roman(1066) == 'MLXVI'
assert to_roman(1776) == 'MDCCLXXVI'
assert to_roman(1918) == 'MCMXVIII'
assert to_roman(1944) == 'MCMXLIV'
assert to_roman(2023) == 'MMXXIII'
assert to_roman(999) == 'CMXCIX'
assert to_roman(3999) == 'MMMCMXCIX'
assert to_roman(90) == 'XC'
assert to_roman(400) == 'CD'
assert to_roman(900) == 'CM'