Roman numerals are a numeral system that originated in ancient Rome and remained the usual way of writing numbers throughout Europe well into the Late Middle Ages. The basic rules are well-known: numbers are written with combinations of letters from the Latin alphabet, each letter with a fixed integer value.
Although different style have evoled during the millenia, the modern style uses only these seven
letters: I
for 1, V
for 5, X
for 10, L
for 50, C
for 100, D
for 500 and M
for 1,000. There is no zero and different letters are used for each power of ten (up to 1,000) instead of the positional system of Arabic numbers.
In general, writing a number in Roman numerals is quite easy: a letter repeats its value that many times (XXX
is 30 and CC
is 200, for example). Letters go from the highest amount to the lower, so the X
goes before the I
, so with letters placed after another letter of greater value, we add that amount. For example, the number 22 is XXII
, with the two X
for 20 and the two I
for the 2.
There are exceptions, however. A letter can only be repeated three times, so
the numerals for 4 (IV
) and 9 (IX
) are written using subtractive notation, where the first symbol (I
) is subtracted from the larger one (V
, or X
), thus avoiding the clumsier IIII and VIIII. Subtractive notation is also used for 40 (XL
), 90 (XC
), 400 (CD
) and 900 (CM
). These are the only subtractive forms in standard use; subtractive notation is not used for the numbers 99 or 999, for example: we do not subtract a number from one that is more than 10 times greater (that is, you can subtract 1 from 10 but not 1 from 20, there is no such number as IXX
Note that the subtractive notation means that if a letter is placed before another letter of greater value, we subtract that amount.
Below there is a simple function that converts a number $n \subset \mathbb{N}$ such that $n \in [1, 3 999]$ from Arabic to Roman. The function is quite simple and makes use of generators to go through the different steps.
def to_roman(n):
def inner(n):
if n >= 1000:
yield 'M' * (n // 1000)
n %= 1_000
if n >= 900:
yield 'CM'
n -= 900
if n >= 500:
yield 'D'
n -= 500
if n >= 400:
yield 'CD'
n -= 400
if n >= 100:
yield 'C' * (n // 100)
n %= 100
if n >= 90:
yield 'XC'
n -= 90
if n >= 50:
yield 'L'
n -= 50
if n >= 40:
yield 'XL'
n -= 40
if n >= 10:
yield 'X' * (n // 10)
n %= 10
if n >= 9:
yield 'IX'
n -= 9
if n >= 5:
yield 'V'
n -= 5
if n == 4:
yield 'IV'
n -= 4
yield 'I' * n
if n < 1 or n > 3_999:
raise ValueError('input n must be in the interval [1, 3999]')
return ''.join(inner(n))
A few tests, mostly taken from the Wikipedia page dedicated to Roman numerals, plus a few corner cases.
assert to_roman(39) == 'XXXIX'
assert to_roman(246) == 'CCXLVI'
assert to_roman(789) == 'DCCLXXXIX'
assert to_roman(2421) == 'MMCDXXI'
assert to_roman(160) == 'CLX'
assert to_roman(207) == 'CCVII'
assert to_roman(1009) == 'MIX'
assert to_roman(1066) == 'MLXVI'
assert to_roman(1776) == 'MDCCLXXVI'
assert to_roman(1918) == 'MCMXVIII'
assert to_roman(1944) == 'MCMXLIV'
assert to_roman(2023) == 'MMXXIII'
assert to_roman(999) == 'CMXCIX'
assert to_roman(3999) == 'MMMCMXCIX'
assert to_roman(90) == 'XC'
assert to_roman(400) == 'CD'
assert to_roman(900) == 'CM'