In this article we study the stochastic differential equation

\[dX(t) = \kappa (\theta - X(t))dt + \sigma \sqrt{X(t)} dW(t),\]

where $\kappa, \theta, \sigma > 0$ and $X(0) = X_0$. In finance, it was proposed by Cox, Ingersoll and Ross as an interest rate model and forms the stochastic volatility component of Heston’s asset price model. The SDE is nonlinear and non-Lipschitzian. It was shown by Feller that a unique strong solution exists; this solution preserves the nonnegativity of the initial data, that is $X(t) \ge 0 \forall t$ with probability one.

To find the solution, we rearrange the terms and multiply by $e^{\kappa t}$,

\[\begin{aligned} dX(t) - \kappa X(t) & = \kappa \theta dt + \sigma \sqrt{X(t)} dW(t) \\ d(e^{\kappa t} X(t)) & = e^{\kappa t} \kappa \theta dt + e^{\kappa t} \sigma \sqrt{X(t)} dW(t), \end{aligned}\]

which integrated between 0 and $t$ gives

\[\begin{aligned} e^{\kappa t} X(t) & = X_0 + \int_0^t e^{\kappa s} \kappa \theta ds + \int_0^t e^{\kappa s} \sigma \sqrt{X(s)} ds \\ & = X_0 + \theta \left( e^{\kappa t} - 1 \right)+ \int_0^t e^{\kappa s} \sigma \sqrt{X(s)} dW(s), \end{aligned}\]


\[X(t) = e^{-\kappa t}X_0 + \theta(1 - e^{-\kappa t}) + e^{-\kappa t}\int_0^t e^{\kappa s} \sigma \sqrt{X(s)} dW(s).\]

Taking expectations, we obtain

\[\mathbb{E}[X(t)] = e^{-\kappa t} X_0 + \theta(1 - e^{-\kappa t}).\]


\[\lim_{t\rightarrow\infty} \mathbb{E}[X(t)] = \theta,\]

the value $\theta$ represents the long-term mean value, with the process moving (in expectations) from $X_0$ at $t \approx 0$ to $\theta$ as $t \rightarrow\infty$.

To compute the variance, we need $\mathbb{E}[X(t)^2]$. From easy computations we have

\[\begin{aligned} \mathbb{V}[X(t)] & = 2 \left( e^{-\kappa t} X_0 + \theta(1 - e^{-\kappa t}) \right) \mathbb{E}\left[ \int_0^t e^{\kappa s} \sigma\sqrt{X(s)} dW(s) \right] + \sigma^2 e^{-2 \kappa t} \mathbb{E}\left[ \left( \int_0^t e^{\kappa s} \sqrt{X(s)} dW(s) \right)^2 \right] \\ % & = \sigma^2 e^{-2 \kappa t} \mathbb{E}\left[ \int_0^t e^{2\kappa s} X(s) ds \right] \\ % & = \sigma^2 e^{-2 \kappa t} \int_0^t e^{2\kappa s} \mathbb{E}\left[ X(s) \right] ds \\ % & = \sigma^2 e^{-2 \kappa t} \int_0^t e^{2\kappa s} \left( e^{-\kappa s} X_0 + \theta(1 - e^{-\kappa s}) \right) ds \\ % & = \sigma^2 e^{-2 \kappa t} \int_0^t \left( e^{\kappa s} X_0 + e^{2\kappa s} \theta - e^{\kappa s} \theta \right) ds \\ % & = \frac{\sigma^2}{\kappa}X_0 \left( e^{-\kappa t} - e^{-2\kappa t} \right) + \frac{\theta \sigma^2}{2 \kappa} \left( 1 - e^{-\kappa t} \right)^2. \end{aligned}\]

(See also this stackexchange equation since the diffusion is non-Lipschitz.) The long-term variance is therefore

\[\lim_{t \rightarrow\infty}\mathbb{V}[X(t)] = \frac{\theta \sigma^2}{2 \kappa}.\]

It is possible to compute the probability density $p(x, t)$ associated with our process by solving the Fokker-Planck equation

\[\begin{aligned} \frac{\partial}{\partial t}p(x, t) & = -\frac{\partial}{\partial x}(\kappa(\theta - x)p(x, t)) + \frac{1}{2} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2}(\sigma^2 p(x, t)) \\ % p(x, 0) & = \delta(x - X_0) \end{aligned}\]

As it is well-known, the distribution of $X(t)$ is a scaled non-central $\chi^2$ distribution,

\[X(t) \sim \frac{Y}{c}\]


\[c = \frac{2 \kappa}{(1 - e^{-\kappa t}) \sigma^2}\]

and the probability distribution function of $Y$ given by

\[f_Y(y, t) = \frac{1}{2} e^{-\frac{\lambda + y}{2}} \left( \frac{y}{\lambda} \right)^{\frac{k - 2}{4}} I_{\frac{k - 2}{2}}(\sqrt{\lambda y})\]

with $k = \frac{4 \kappa \theta}{\sigma^2}$ degrees of freedom and non-centrality parameter $\lambda = 2 c X_0 e^{-\kappa t}$, and $I$ a modified Bessel function of the first kind.

To undestand why we end up with a $\chi^2$ distribution, consider the $d$ processes

\[dX_i(t) = -\frac{1}{2} \alpha X(t) dt + \sqrt{\alpha} dW_i(t),\]

each of which is normal,

\[X_i(t) \sim \mathcal{N} \left(0, 1 - e^{-\alpha t} \right).\]

The sum of the squares

\[X(t) = \sum_{i=1}^d \left( X_i(t) \right)^2\]

satisfies the SDE

\[\begin{aligned} dX(t) & = \sum_{i=1}^d 2X_i(t) dX_i(t) + d \alpha dt \\ % & = \sum_{i=1}^d X_i(t) \left( -\alpha X_i(t) + 2 \sqrt{\alpha} dW_i(t) \right) + d \alpha dt \\ % & = \alpha(d - X(t)) dt + \sqrt{4 \alpha} \sum_{i=1}^d X_i(t) dW_i(t) \\ % & = \alpha(d - X(t)) dt + \sqrt{4 \alpha} \sqrt{X(t)} dW(t), \end{aligned}\]

which is our process.

If the Feller condition $\kappa \theta \ge \frac{1}{2}\sigma^2$ is not satisfied, the process will visit the origin recurrently but not stay there – that is, the zero boundary is strongly reflecting. This was first shown by William Feller in a 1950 paper, giving the name to the condition.

We discretize using the Euler-Maruyama method. Given a set of time points

\[0 = t_0 < t_1 < t_2 < \ldots < t_n = T\]

assumed for simplicity to be linearly spaced, that is $t_{i+1} - t_i = \Delta t = \frac{T}{n}$, we use

\[X_{i+1} = X_i + \kappa (\theta - X_i) \Delta t + \sigma \sqrt{X_i} \sqrt{\Delta t} Z,\]

with $Z \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1)$ and, with a slight abuse of notation, $X_i$ the numerical approximation of $X(t_i)$. Clearly, because of the square root, we need $X_i \geq 0 \forall i$, but with the above discretization we could obtain negative $X_i$. In fact, since $Z$ is normal, we have

\[\mathbb{P}[_{i+1} < 0] = \Phi\left( -\frac{X_i + \kappa(\theta - X_i)\Delta t}{\sigma \sqrt{X_i}\sqrt{\Delta t}} \right),\]

assuming $X_i \ge 0$. The problem is generally resolve by either replacing $\sqrt{X_i}$ by $\sqrt{|X_i|}$ or by $\sqrt{\max{X_i, 0}}$. The first approach is called reflection, meaning that the process is reflected back into the positivity, while the latter absorption, as the boundary takes in the process at $x=0$. By doing that we have only solved the problems with the square root can get still negative values; alternatively we either impose

\[X_{i+1} \leftarrow |X_{i+1}|\]


\[X_{i+1} \leftarrow \max{0, X_{i+1}}\]

as a post-step process.