This article is an extension of the previous one on the analysis of arXiv articles. While the scope is similar, it uses different language models and Python packages; the list of articles we consider is different as well.

We use a few specific packages:

  • the arxiv package is used to download the articles metadata;
  • the sentence transformers package is used for the embeddings;
  • the faiss package is used for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors;
  • the KeyBERT is used for keyword extraction.

They can be installed (on CPU) using the following pip command:

pip install -U sentence-transformers faiss-cpu arxiv keybert

Our aim is to find the similarities of the latest articles in all the categories. We do this by downloading the metadata of the last 10,000 articles in each of the main categories and assembling them together. Once this is done, and after removing redundant entries, we compute an embedding for each article using its abstract, and proceed from there. This approach is a starting point: results could be improved with a model for the embedding stailored for scientific publications, like SciBERT; working with the full text as well the citations would improve the results substantially.

import arxiv
from itertools import count
from datetime import datetime
from IPython.display import display, HTML
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
import torch
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
import faiss
import pickle
def query(query, max_results=None, offset: int = 0):
    search = arxiv.Search(
    client = arxiv.Client(num_retries=10, page_size=500)
    return list(client.results(search=search, offset=offset))
cs = query('cat:cs.*', max_results=10_000)
econ = query('cat:econ.*', max_results=10_000)
eess = query('eess.*', max_results=10_000)
math = query('math.*', max_results=10_000)
qfin = query('q-fin.*', max_results=10_000)
stat = query('stat.*', max_results=10_000)

Since the calls to query() can be quite long, it is convenient to store the results in a pickle file for rerunning the notebook in the future.

with open('data.pickle', 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump((cs, econ, eess, math, qfin, stat), f)
with open('data.pickle', 'rb') as f:
    cs, econ, eess, math, qfin, stat = pickle.load(f)
articles = cs + econ + eess + math + qfin + stat

Since some articles can be part of more than one search, we make sure there is only one reference to any title in our set.

from itertools import groupby
get_title = lambda x: x.title
articles = [next(v) for _, v in groupby(sorted(articles, key=get_title), get_title)]
print(f"# unique articles: {len(articles)}")
# unique articles: 49706

The [models]( we can choose from for computing the embeddings vary in complexity and computational cost. Overall they are all pretty slow and require a few gigabytes of memory; we choose all-MiniLM-L6-v2, which is ok for the scope of this article. This is a sentence-transformers model: It maps sentences and paragraphs to a 384 dimensional dense vector space and can be used for tasks like clustering or semantic search.

As reported in the model card, input text longer than 256 word pieces is truncated, so we must make sure that the text that is given in input is not too long. Plotting the histogram shows that we are mostly fine, with the vast majority of articles having less than 300 words. The distribution is quite symmetric, with a mean of about 145 words.

import seaborn as sns
sns.histplot(pd.Series([len(a.summary.split(' ')) for a in articles]))


The code that calls the sequence transformer is very easy. Since it is time consuming, though, we save the results to a file.

from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
model = SentenceTransformer('all-MiniLM-L6-v2')
embeddings = model.encode([a.summary for a in articles], show_progress_bar=True)
np.savez('embeddings.npz', embeddings)

At this point we need the faiss package. We use the $L_2$-norm for computing distances.

embeddings = np.load('embeddings.npz')['arr_0'].astype("float32")
index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(embeddings.shape[1])

As done in the previous article, we select the paper Variational Autoencoders: A Hands-Off Approach to Volatility and try to find similar ones.

for selected, article in enumerate(articles):
    if article.title == 'Variational Autoencoders: A Hands-Off Approach to Volatility':
D, I =[selected:selected + 1], k=11)
html = '<table>'
for d, i in zip(D[0], I[0]):
    if i == selected:
    article = articles[i]
    pub_date = datetime.strftime(article.published, '%Y-%m-%d')
    cat = article.primary_category
    cats = ', '.join([cat] + [c for c in article.categories if c != cat])
    link = article.links[0].href
    html += f"<tr><td style=\"text-align:left\">distance: {d:.4f}, publication: {pub_date} [{cats}] <a href='{link}'>πŸ”—</a><br>"
    html += '<i>' + ', '.join(( for a in article.authors)) + "</i><br><b>" + article.title + "</b>"
    html += "</td></tr>"
html += "</table>"
distance: 0.3913, publication: 2022-11-23 [q-fin.PR] πŸ”—
Zheng Gong, Wojciech Frys, Renzo Tiranti, Carmine Ventre, John O'Hara, Yingbo Bai
A new encoding of implied volatility surfaces for their synthetic generation
distance: 0.5050, publication: 2022-08-30 [q-fin.CP] πŸ”—
SΓ‘ndor KunsΓ‘gi-MΓ‘tΓ©, GΓ‘bor FΓ‘th, IstvΓ‘n Csabai, GΓ‘bor MolnΓ‘r-SΓ‘ska
Deep Weighted Monte Carlo: A hybrid option pricing framework using neural networks
distance: 0.5247, publication: 2021-08-10 [q-fin.MF, cs.LG, q-fin.CP, q-fin.PR, stat.ML] πŸ”—
Brian Ning, Sebastian Jaimungal, Xiaorong Zhang, Maxime Bergeron
Arbitrage-Free Implied Volatility Surface Generation with Variational Autoencoders
distance: 0.5643, publication: 2023-03-01 [q-fin.CP, cs.LG, q-fin.ST, stat.ML, 91G60, 91G80, 62M45, 68T07] πŸ”—
Vedant Choudhary, Sebastian Jaimungal, Maxime Bergeron
FuNVol: A Multi-Asset Implied Volatility Market Simulator using Functional Principal Components and Neural SDEs
distance: 0.6057, publication: 2020-05-05 [q-fin.CP, math.OC, stat.ML] πŸ”—
Christa Cuchiero, Wahid Khosrawi, Josef Teichmann
A generative adversarial network approach to calibration of local stochastic volatility models
distance: 0.6196, publication: 2021-06-14 [q-fin.ST] πŸ”—
Wenyong Zhang, Lingfei Li, Gongqiu Zhang
A Two-Step Framework for Arbitrage-Free Prediction of the Implied Volatility Surface
distance: 0.6638, publication: 2021-12-13 [q-fin.CP, cs.LG, q-fin.MF, q-fin.ST, stat.ML] πŸ”—
Magnus Wiese, Ben Wood, Alexandre Pachoud, Ralf Korn, Hans Buehler, Phillip Murray, Lianjun Bai
Multi-Asset Spot and Option Market Simulation
distance: 0.7064, publication: 2021-12-09 [q-fin.CP, econ.EM] πŸ”—
Zhe Wang, Nicolas Privault, Claude Guet
Deep self-consistent learning of local volatility
distance: 0.7308, publication: 2021-03-22 [q-fin.CP, cs.LG] πŸ”—
Jay Cao, Jacky Chen, John Hull, Zissis Poulos
Deep Learning for Exotic Option Valuation
distance: 0.7525, publication: 2023-02-17 [q-fin.MF, q-fin.CP, 91G20, 91G60, 91G80, 47G10, 47G40, 35Q79,] πŸ”—
Alexander Lipton, Adil Reghai
SPX, VIX and scale-invariant LSV\footnote{Local Stochastic Volatility}

A more interesting approach is instead to look for clusters. Here we select all the articles that contain the work volatility in their title. On the date of execution we had 507 such articles; for this subset we use the agglomerative clustering algorithm provided by the scikit-learn library. After some experimentations, we use a distance threshold of 2.

sub_indices, sub_articles = [], []
for i, article in enumerate(articles):
    if 'volatility' in article.title.lower():
print(f"Selected {len(sub_indices)} articles.")
E = embeddings[sub_indices]
num_articles = E.shape[0]
dist = (E @ E.T).round(1)
dist = np.where(dist < 0.5, 0.0, dist)
Selected 507 articles.
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import dendrogram, linkage
hierarchical_cluster = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=None, distance_threshold=2,
                                               metric='euclidean', linkage='ward')
labels = hierarchical_cluster.fit_predict(E)

We reorder our subset to have all the articles in the cluster #0 first, followed by the articles in cluster #1, and so on. Plotting the distance matrix using this new ordering shows a certain structure that was not visible in the original, unordered matrix. Clusters #3, #6, #9 and #16 are large are interconnected; clusters #8 and #13 smaller but quite distinct from the rest. Cluster #0 seems to be composed by articles that have little in common with the others, while cluster #1, #2, #4, #5 and #10 have weak connections.

perm = []
limits = []
for label in set(labels):
    perm += pd.Series(labels)[labels == label].index.tolist()
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
plt.imshow(dist[perm, :][:, perm])
for limit in limits[:-1]:
    plt.axhline(limit, xmin=0, xmax=1, color='red')
    plt.axvline(limit, ymin=0.09, ymax=0.91,  color='red')


What we do now is to print out a few articles for each cluster and a short list of keywords. For the latter we use KeyBert, which is relatively fast and free to use; the keywords are based on all the titles in each cluster.

from keybert import KeyBERT
kw_model = KeyBERT()
def get_articles(selected_label, max_entries):
    retval = []
    counter = 1
    for label, article in zip(labels, reversed(sorted(sub_articles, key=lambda x: x.published))):
        if label != selected_label: continue
        counter += 1
        if counter > max_entries: break
    return retval
def get_keywords(articles):
    text = []
    for article in articles:
    text = '\n'.join(text)    
    keywords = kw_model.extract_keywords(text, keyphrase_ngram_range=(1, 2), stop_words=None)
    return [k[0] for k in keywords]
def to_html(articles):
    html = '<table>'
    for article in articles:
        pub_date = datetime.strftime(article.published, '%Y-%m-%d')
        cat = article.primary_category
        cats = ', '.join([cat] + [c for c in article.categories if c != cat])
        link = article.links[0].href
        html += f"<tr><td style=\"text-align:left\">published on {pub_date} [{cats}] <a href='{link}'>πŸ”—</a><br>"
        html += '<i>' + ', '.join(( for a in article.authors)) + "</i><br><b>" + article.title + "</b>"
        html += "</td></tr>"
    html += "</table>"
    return html
for label in set(labels):
    full_subset = get_articles(label, 1_000)
    subset = get_articles(label, 5)
    keywords = get_keywords(full_subset)
    html = f'<p style="color: crimson;">Label #{label}, {len(full_subset)} articles'
    html += f", keywords: {', '.join((k.title() for k in keywords))}"
    html += to_html(subset)

Label #0, 42 articles, keywords: Volatility Prediction, Volatility Predictions, Volatility Models, Financial Volatility, Volatility Evidence

published on 2023-10-28 [cs.LG] πŸ”—
Shengkun Wang, YangXiao Bai, Kaiqun Fu, Linhan Wang, Chang-Tien Lu, Taoran Ji
ALERTA-Net: A Temporal Distance-Aware Recurrent Networks for Stock Movement and Volatility Prediction
published on 2023-10-22 [econ.EM, stat.AP] πŸ”—
Joshua Chan
BVARs and Stochastic Volatility
published on 2023-10-02 [q-fin.RM, cs.AI, cs.LG, q-fin.CP, q-fin.GN] πŸ”—
Jakub MichaΕ„kΓ³w, Łukasz Kwiatkowski, Janusz Morajda
Combining Deep Learning and GARCH Models for Financial Volatility and Risk Forecasting
published on 2023-09-14 [q-fin.CP, cs.AI, q-fin.MF, q-fin.PR, q-fin.RM] πŸ”—
Abir Sridi, Paul Bilokon
Applying Deep Learning to Calibrate Stochastic Volatility Models
published on 2023-08-04 [q-fin.ST, cs.LG] πŸ”—
Damien Challet, Vincent Ragel
Recurrent Neural Networks with more flexible memory: better predictions than rough volatility

Label #1, 54 articles, keywords: Volatility Learning, Volatility Forecasting, Volatility Prediction, Forecasting Volatility, Volatility Estimation

published on 2023-11-14 [math.PR, math.AP, q-fin.MF, 60G22, 35K10, 91G20] πŸ”—
Alexandre Pannier
Path-dependent PDEs for volatility derivatives
published on 2023-10-26 [stat.AP, econ.EM] πŸ”—
Michele Costola, Matteo Iacopini, Casper Wichers
Bayesian SAR model with stochastic volatility and multiple time-varying weights
published on 2023-10-23 [cs.CE, q-fin.ST] πŸ”—
Xin Du, Kai Moriyama, Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii
Co-Training Realized Volatility Prediction Model with Neural Distributional Transformation
published on 2023-08-24 [econ.EM, q-fin.ST, stat.OT] πŸ”—
Philipp Otto, Osman Doğan, Süleyman Taşpınar, Wolfgang Schmid, Anil K. Bera
Spatial and Spatiotemporal Volatility Models: A Review
published on 2023-07-25 [q-fin.TR, q-fin.PM] πŸ”—
Ivan Letteri
VolTS: A Volatility-based Trading System to forecast Stock Markets Trend using Statistics and Machine Learning

Label #2, 40 articles, keywords: Volatility Models, Volatility Smoothing, Volatility Pricing, Volatility Strategies, Volatility Forecasting

published on 2023-10-25 [q-fin.CP] πŸ”—
Kentaro Hoshisashi, Carolyn E. Phelan, Paolo Barucca
No-Arbitrage Deep Calibration for Volatility Smile and Skewness
published on 2022-12-21 [q-fin.MF, q-fin.CP] πŸ”—
Eduardo Abi Jaber, Camille Illand, Shaun, Li
The quintic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck volatility model that jointly calibrates SPX & VIX smiles
published on 2022-12-20 [q-fin.MF, q-fin.CP, stat.ML] πŸ”—
Marc Chataigner, Areski Cousin, StΓ©phane CrΓ©pey, Matthew Dixon, Djibril Gueye
Beyond Surrogate Modeling: Learning the Local Volatility Via Shape Constraints
published on 2022-12-16 [q-fin.MF, q-fin.CP] πŸ”—
Eduardo Abi Jaber, Camille Illand, Shaun, Li
Joint SPX-VIX calibration with Gaussian polynomial volatility models: deep pricing with quantization hints
published on 2022-12-15 [q-fin.PR, math.PR, 60F10 (Primary) 91G20 (Secondary)] πŸ”—
Peter K. Friz, Thomas Wagenhofer
Reconstructing Volatility: Pricing of Index Options under Rough Volatility

Label #3, 42 articles, keywords: Stochastic Volatility, Volatility Models, Volatility Estimation, Hawkes Volatility, Hawkes Stochastic

published on 2023-10-28 [math.PR, Primary 60H30, 60G44, secondary 60J60, 94A17] πŸ”—
Bertram Tschiderer
Diffusion processes as Wasserstein gradient flows via stochastic control of the volatility matrix
published on 2023-09-30 [stat.ME] πŸ”—
Abdelbasset Djeniah, Mohamed Chaouch, Amina Angelika Bouchentouf
Inference on volatility estimation with missing data: a functional data approach
published on 2023-09-26 [q-fin.MF, cs.NA, math.NA, 60H35, 68T07, 91G60] πŸ”—
Francesca Biagini, Lukas Gonon, Niklas Walter
Approximation Rates for Deep Calibration of (Rough) Stochastic Volatility Models
published on 2023-07-18 [q-fin.MF, math.PR, 91G20, 91G60, 60L50] πŸ”—
Peter Bank, Christian Bayer, Peter K. Friz, Luca Pelizzari
Rough PDEs for local stochastic volatility models
published on 2023-07-03 [econ.EM, stat.ME] πŸ”—
Ruijun Bu, Degui Li, Oliver Linton, Hanchao Wang
Nonparametric Estimation of Large Spot Volatility Matrices for High-Frequency Financial Data

Label #4, 46 articles, keywords: Volatility Forecasting, Predicting Volatility, Volatility Prediction, Learning Volatility, Volatility Modelling

published on 2023-08-21 [cs.LG, cs.AI, stat.ML] πŸ”—
Pranay Pasula
Real World Time Series Benchmark Datasets with Distribution Shifts: Global Crude Oil Price and Volatility
published on 2023-08-01 [q-fin.ST, cs.LG, q-fin.RM] πŸ”—
Chao Zhang, Xingyue Pu, Mihai Cucuringu, Xiaowen Dong
Graph Neural Networks for Forecasting Multivariate Realized Volatility with Spillover Effects
published on 2023-07-18 [q-fin.RM, q-fin.ST] πŸ”—
Apostolos Ampountolas
The Effect of COVID-19 on Cryptocurrencies and the Stock Market Volatility -- A Two-Stage DCC-EGARCH Model Analysis
published on 2023-06-26 [q-fin.MF, 91G20] πŸ”—
E. AlΓ²s, F. Rolloos, K. Shiraya
A lower bound for the volatility swap in the lognormal SABR model
published on 2023-06-20 [q-fin.ST, cs.LG, q-fin.CP, q-fin.RM] πŸ”—
Wenbo Ge, Pooia Lalbakhsh, Leigh Isai, Artem Lensky, Hanna Suominen
Comparing Deep Learning Models for the Task of Volatility Prediction Using Multivariate Data

Label #5, 41 articles, keywords: Volatility Forecasting, Volatility Prediction, Forecasting Volatility, Volatility Models, Volatility Modeling

published on 2023-11-08 [q-fin.ST, q-fin.MF, q-fin.TR] πŸ”—
Siu Hin Tang, Mathieu Rosenbaum, Chao Zhou
Forecasting Volatility with Machine Learning and Rough Volatility: Example from the Crypto-Winter
published on 2023-08-29 [q-fin.MF] πŸ”—
Elisa AlΓ²s, Eulalia Nualart, Makar Pravosud
On the implied volatility of European and Asian call options under the stochastic volatility Bachelier model
published on 2023-06-15 [econ.EM] πŸ”—
Andrea Renzetti
Modelling and Forecasting Macroeconomic Risk with Time Varying Skewness Stochastic Volatility Models
published on 2023-06-05 [econ.EM] πŸ”—
Eiji Kurozumi, Anton Skrobotov
Improving the accuracy of bubble date estimators under time-varying volatility
published on 2023-05-06 [stat.ME] πŸ”—
Piotr Kokoszka, Neda Mohammadi, Haonan Wang, Shixuan Wang
Functional diffusion driven stochastic volatility model

Label #6, 33 articles, keywords: Volatility Models, Volatility Forecasting, Volatility Processes, Volatility Estimation, Models Volatility

published on 2023-09-07 [q-fin.PR, math.PR, 60G55, 60H30, 91G05, 91G15] πŸ”—
David R. BaΓ±os, Salvador Ortiz-Latorre, Oriol Zamora Font
Thiele's PIDE for unit-linked policies in the Heston-Hawkes stochastic volatility model
published on 2023-08-02 [q-fin.CP] πŸ”—
Anoop C V, Neeraj Negi, Anup Aprem
Bayesian framework for characterizing cryptocurrency market dynamics, structural dependency, and volatility using potential field
published on 2022-08-28 [econ.EM, stat.ME] πŸ”—
Joshua C. C. Chan
Comparing Stochastic Volatility Specifications for Large Bayesian VARs
published on 2022-08-19 [econ.EM] πŸ”—
Avik Das, Dr. Devanjali Nandi Das
Understanding Volatility Spillover Relationship Among G7 Nations And India During Covid-19
published on 2022-07-21 [q-fin.MF, 91G99] πŸ”—
Elisa AlΓ²s, Frido Rolloos, Kenichiro Shiraya
Forward start volatility swaps in rough volatility models

Label #7, 18 articles, keywords: Volatility Prediction, Volatility Forecasting, Volatility Modeling, Volatility Clustering, Rough Volatility

published on 2023-09-02 [q-fin.MF, math.PR, 91-02, 91-03, 62P05, 60H10, 60G22, 91G15, 91G30, 91G80] πŸ”—
Giulia Di Nunno, KΔ™stutis Kubilius, Yuliya Mishura, Anton Yurchenko-Tytarenko
From constant to rough: A survey of continuous volatility modeling
published on 2023-03-13 [q-fin.MF, q-fin.CP] πŸ”—
Eduardo Abi Jaber, Nathan De Carvalho
Reconciling rough volatility with jumps
published on 2022-09-13 [q-fin.RM] πŸ”—
AurΓ©lien Alfonsi, Nerea Vadillo
A stochastic volatility model for the valuation of temperature derivatives
published on 2022-05-16 [econ.EM, stat.ML] πŸ”—
Rafael Reisenhofer, Xandro Bayer, Nikolaus Hautsch
HARNet: A Convolutional Neural Network for Realized Volatility Forecasting
published on 2022-01-25 [q-fin.ST, q-fin.RM] πŸ”—
Giuseppe Brandi, T. Di Matteo
Multiscaling and rough volatility: an empirical investigation

Label #8, 19 articles, keywords: Rough Volatility, Volatility Models, Volatility Stochastic, Stochastic Volatility, Volatility Detecting

published on 2023-07-05 [q-fin.ST, math.PR, math.ST, stat.TH] πŸ”—
Xiyue Han, Alexander Schied
Estimating the roughness exponent of stochastic volatility from discrete observations of the realized variance
published on 2023-03-20 [stat.AP, econ.EM, q-fin.ST] πŸ”—
Raffaele Mattera, Philipp Otto
Network log-ARCH models for forecasting stock market volatility
published on 2023-02-24 [q-fin.CP] πŸ”—
Camilla Damian, RΓΌdiger Frey
Detecting Rough Volatility: A Filtering Approach
published on 2022-05-01 [q-fin.PR, Primary 91G20, Secondary 41A60, 44A99, 91G60] πŸ”—
Jiling Cao, Jeong-Hoon Kim, Xi Li, Wenjun Zhang
Pricing Path-dependent Options under Stochastic Volatility via Mellin Transform
published on 2022-04-30 [q-fin.PR] πŸ”—
Frido Rolloos
Hull and White and AlΓ²s type formulas for barrier options in stochastic volatility models with nonzero correlation

Label #9, 25 articles, keywords: Volatility Models, Volatility Identification, Volatility Dynamics, Volatility Forecasting, Volatility Estimation

published on 2023-11-02 [q-fin.MF, math.PR, 91G30, 60H10, 60H35, 60G22] πŸ”—
Giulia Di Nunno, Anton Yurchenko-Tytarenko
Power law in Sandwiched Volterra Volatility model
published on 2023-05-02 [econ.EM] πŸ”—
Sung Hoon Choi, Donggyu Kim
Large Global Volatility Matrix Analysis Based on Observation Structural Information
published on 2023-03-16 [q-fin.ST] πŸ”—
Claudiu Vinte, Marcel Ausloos
Portfolio Volatility Estimation Relative to Stock Market Cross-Sectional Intrinsic Entropy
published on 2022-07-08 [econ.EM, stat.ME] πŸ”—
Joshua Chan, Eric Eisenstat, Xuewen Yu
Large Bayesian VARs with Factor Stochastic Volatility: Identification, Order Invariance and Structural Analysis
published on 2022-04-14 [q-fin.PR, econ.EM] πŸ”—
Peter Reinhard Hansen, Chen Tong
Option Pricing with Time-Varying Volatility Risk Aversion

Label #10, 40 articles, keywords: Volatility Forecasting, Volatility Estimation, Volatility Prediction, Volatility Models, Volatility Bayesian

published on 2023-09-04 [q-fin.CP] πŸ”—
German Rodikov, Nino Antulov-Fantulin
Introducing the $Οƒ$-Cell: Unifying GARCH, Stochastic Fluctuations and Evolving Mechanisms in RNN-based Volatility Forecasting
published on 2023-08-30 [q-fin.PR] πŸ”—
Dan Pirjol, Lingjiong Zhu
Asymptotics for Short Maturity Asian Options in a Jump-Diffusion model with Local Volatility
published on 2023-04-04 [q-fin.RM, cs.LG, q-fin.TR] πŸ”—
Mingyu Hao, Artem Lenskiy
Short-Term Volatility Prediction Using Deep CNNs Trained on Order Flow
published on 2023-03-29 [q-fin.RM, q-fin.ST] πŸ”—
Ke Zhang
Adjust factor with volatility model using MAXFLAT low-pass filter and construct portfolio in China A share market
published on 2023-03-29 [q-fin.MF, q-fin.GN] πŸ”—
Gurdip Bakshi, John Crosby, Xiaohui Gao
Dark Matter in (Volatility and) Equity Option Risk Premiums

Label #11, 16 articles, keywords: Volatility Models, Volatility Forecasting, Volatility Clustering, Volatility Estimation, Stochastic Volatility

published on 2023-09-09 [q-fin.GN, econ.TH] πŸ”—
Sabiou Inoua
News-driven Expectations and Volatility Clustering
published on 2023-07-03 [q-fin.PR, math.PR, 60H10, 91G20] πŸ”—
Marcel Nutz, AndrΓ©s Riveros Valdevenito
On the Guyon-Lekeufack Volatility Model
published on 2023-03-27 [q-fin.ST] πŸ”—
Christoph J. BΓΆrner, Ingo Hoffmann, John H. Stiebel
On the Connection between Temperature and Volatility in Ideal Agent Systems
published on 2022-11-28 [q-fin.MF, math.PR, 60G44, 60J60, 91G10 (Primary) 60J46 (Secondary)] πŸ”—
David Itkin, Benedikt Koch, Martin Larsson, Josef Teichmann
Ergodic robust maximization of asymptotic growth under stochastic volatility
published on 2022-07-01 [q-fin.CP, q-fin.MF] πŸ”—
Weilong Fu, Ali Hirsa
Solving barrier options under stochastic volatility using deep learning

Label #12, 15 articles, keywords: Volatility Prediction, Volatility Models, Volatility Based, Volatility Selection, Stochastic Volatility

published on 2023-09-28 [q-fin.ST] πŸ”—
Wenting Liu, Zhaozhong Gui, Guilin Jiang, Lihua Tang, Lichun Zhou, Wan Leng, Xulong Zhang, Yujiang Liu
Stock Volatility Prediction Based on Transformer Model Using Mixed-Frequency Data
published on 2023-06-19 [q-fin.PM, 91G10, 49L20] πŸ”—
Marcos Escobar-Anel, Michel Kschonnek, Rudi Zagst
Mind the Cap! -- Constrained Portfolio Optimisation in Heston's Stochastic Volatility Model
published on 2023-06-18 [econ.GN, q-fin.EC] πŸ”—
Ali Lashgari
Harnessing the Potential of Volatility: Advancing GDP Prediction
published on 2022-06-05 [q-fin.GN, math.PR] πŸ”—
R. Vilela Mendes
The fractional volatility model and rough volatility
published on 2022-04-25 [q-fin.CP] πŸ”—
Elisa AlΓ²s, Fabio Antonelli, Alessandro Ramponi, Sergio Scarlatti
CVA in fractional and rough volatility models

Label #13, 24 articles, keywords: Volatility Models, Modeling Volatility, Models Volatility, Volatility Model, Volatility Pricing

published on 2023-09-17 [stat.AP, math.PR] πŸ”—
Giacomo Ascione, Michele Bufalo, Giuseppe Orlando
Modeling Volatility of Disaster-Affected Populations: A Non-Homogeneous Geometric-Skew Brownian Motion Approach
published on 2023-09-05 [econ.EM, cs.AI, q-fin.CP] πŸ”—
Chen Liu, Minh-Ngoc Tran, Chao Wang, Richard Gerlach, Robert Kohn
DeepVol: A Pre-Trained Universal Asset Volatility Model
published on 2023-08-28 [q-fin.MF, q-fin.CP] πŸ”—
Benjamin Joseph, Gregoire Loeper, Jan Obloj
Joint Calibration of Local Volatility Models with Stochastic Interest Rates using Semimartingale Optimal Transport
published on 2023-05-18 [q-fin.MF, math.PR, 91G20, 60H10, 60J65, 91G80] πŸ”—
Alexander Gairat, Vadim Shcherbakov
Extreme ATM skew in a local volatility model with discontinuity: joint density approach
published on 2023-04-29 [q-fin.MF, math.OC] πŸ”—
Gregoire Loeper, Jan Obloj, Benjamin Joseph
Calibration of Local Volatility Models with Stochastic Interest Rates using Optimal Transport

Label #14, 13 articles, keywords: Stochastic Volatility, Markets Volatility, Volatility Exuberance, Volatility Statistical, Of Volatility

published on 2023-09-01 [q-fin.CP, cs.NA, math.NA] πŸ”—
Fabien Le Floc'h
Instabilities of Super-Time-Stepping Methods on the Heston Stochastic Volatility Model
published on 2023-02-14 [q-fin.MF, 91G10, 93E20, 60G15] πŸ”—
Minglian Lin, Indranil SenGupta
Analysis of optimal portfolios on finite and small-time horizons for a multi-dimensional correlated stochastic volatility model
published on 2022-11-23 [q-fin.PR] πŸ”—
Zheng Gong, Wojciech Frys, Renzo Tiranti, Carmine Ventre, John O'Hara, Yingbo Bai
A new encoding of implied volatility surfaces for their synthetic generation
published on 2022-03-24 [q-fin.ST, math.PR, math.ST, stat.TH] πŸ”—
Rama Cont, Purba Das
Rough volatility: fact or artefact?
published on 2021-11-10 [q-fin.ST] πŸ”—
Noriyuki Kunimoto, Kazuhiko Kakamu
Is Bitcoin really a currency? A viewpoint of a stochastic volatility model

Label #15, 11 articles, keywords: Volatility Models, Stochastic Volatility, Volatility Evolution, Volatility Investor, Rough Volatility

published on 2023-05-20 [econ.GN, q-fin.EC] πŸ”—
Giampiero M. Gallo, Demetrio Lacava, Edoardo Otranto
Volatility jumps and the classification of monetary policy announcements
published on 2023-05-01 [q-fin.PR, math.PR, 60G22, 35K10, 65C20, 68T07, 91G60] πŸ”—
Antoine Jacquier, Zan Zuric
Random neural networks for rough volatility
published on 2022-11-23 [q-fin.CP] πŸ”—
Amin Izadyar, Shiva Zamani
Investor base and idiosyncratic volatility of cryptocurrencies
published on 2022-07-04 [q-fin.CP, cs.AI, q-fin.ST, stat.ML, 91-10, I.5.m] πŸ”—
Di Zhang, Qiang Niu, Youzhou Zhou
Modeling Randomly Walking Volatility with Chained Gamma Distributions
published on 2022-01-10 [q-fin.ST, q-fin.CP] πŸ”—
Mei-Ling Cai, Zhang-HangJian Chen, Sai-Ping Li, Xiong Xiong, Wei Zhang, Ming-Yuan Yang, Fei Ren
New volatility evolution model after extreme events

Label #16, 28 articles, keywords: Volatility Prediction, Volatility Forecasting, Volatility Models, Volatility Clustering, Stochastic Volatility

published on 2023-10-28 [q-fin.ST] πŸ”—
Jiaer He, Roberto Rivera
A Modeling Approach of Return and Volatility of Structured Investment Products with Caps and Floors
published on 2023-02-14 [econ.EM] πŸ”—
Giorgio Calzolari, Roxana Halbleib, Christian MΓΌcher
Sequential Estimation of Multivariate Factor Stochastic Volatility Models
published on 2023-01-24 [q-fin.MF, q-fin.ST] πŸ”—
Kenichiro Shiraya, Tomohisa Yamakami
Constructing Copulas Using Corrected Hermite Polynomial Expansion for Estimating Cross Foreign Exchange Volatility
published on 2022-11-27 [q-fin.MF, stat.CO, 62P05, 91G60, G.3] πŸ”—
JarosΕ‚aw Gruszka, Janusz SzwabiΕ„ski
Parameter Estimation of the Heston Volatility Model with Jumps in the Asset Prices
published on 2022-10-05 [q-fin.CP, cs.LG] πŸ”—
Ananda Chatterjee, Hrisav Bhowmick, Jaydip Sen
Stock Volatility Prediction using Time Series and Deep Learning Approach
Results are quite good, with each cluster (and especially the clusters #0, #7, #9 and #16) being quite homogeneous; the keywords are instead a bit repetitive and sometimes singular and plural of the same concept.